Gillbrae Medical Practice opened on the 18th May 2009. The practice is, however, not new. Rather it had relocated from 99 George Street although its origins were at 16 Castle Street where the practice was established by Dr James Finlayson in the 1940's. The practice was originally single-handed but gradually increased its complement over the years.
In the early 1980s it became clear that the existing premises were no longer fit for purpose. After exploring various possibilities, land adjacent to, and owned by Moat Brae became available and a new purpose built surgery resulted in a combined venture with Loreburn Housing Association who built sheltered accommodation above and behind the surgery building. Unfortunately, what initially appeared to be relatively palatial proved, in a surprisingly short number of years, to be lacking in accommodation.
In 1999, the practice once again embarked upon a project to secure a new building. Ten years later after much effort by many people, the "Holy Grail" opened its doors!