Repeat Medications

If you are on regular medication, your doctor may have added these to your repeat prescribing record.
You can re-order repeat medication in three ways

  • Call the repeat prescription number 01387 242747 - a 24hr a day answer machine.
    Please ensure you leave your personal contact details and speak clearly for each medication you require along with a designated pharmacy
  • If you are registered for online access then you can order your prescriptions by following the directions after logging into EMIS PATIENT ACCESS
  • Completing the right hand side of the paper prescription and returning it to your pharmacy or the practice.

Please remember that we deal with hundreds of repeat prescription requests everyday and to ensure that the doctors can review your medical record and administration processes can take place, please allow 2 working days for us to process your request

You will also have to allow your pharmacy 2 working days to prepare your medication.

Please do not request medications such as Antibiotics that are not on repeat medication as these need to be assessed on an individual basis by your doctor.

Please do NOT email repeat medication requests. You can register for online access by contacting the surgery for further instuctions.