We currently have 11 Doctors in the practice, as well as 1 Minor Illness Nurse, 2 Practice Nurses, 3 Health Care Assistants and the Reception Staff.
The District Nurses, Health Visitors, Pharmacy team, and Mental Health Nurses also work closely with us and are based in the practice.
Practice Manager
- Mrs Zoey Hunter
Assistant Practice Manager
- Mr Chris Hope
The Doctors
- Dr Guy Beaumont
- Dr Rob Walter
- Dr Alan Gabriel
- Dr Jeyarani Arunagiriraj (Dr Raj)
- Dr Abdullah Ewas
- Dr Catriona Buchan
- Dr Callum Carruthers
- Dr Javaid Iqbal
- Dr Frances Buckle
- Dr Nitin Desai
- Dr Richard Voysey
The Nurses
- Nurse Jennifer Howat (Minor Illness)
- Nurse Catherine Cotterill
- Nurse Ailsa Lewis
Health Care Assistants
(Employed by NHS Dumfries & Galloway CTaC Service)
- Mr David Johnstone
- Mrs Justyna Stewart
- Mrs Denise Malone
Clinical Pharmacist
- Ms Dawn Anderson
Primary Care Mental Health Nurses
- Mrs Angela Palau
- Ms Alison Rendall
We also work closely with the District Nurses, Health Visitors and Pharmacy teams.