As well as our regular team, we also help to train the doctors and nurses of the future.
ScotGEM Students
The practice works in partnership with Dumfries & Galloway Health Board and Dundee and St. Andrews Universities to support the ScotGEM course which is an innovative new training program leading to a Primary Medical Qualification for post graduate students. It is hoped that this will help to meet the demand for GPs in rural areas in the future.
The students are in the practice one day per week and are led by their Clinical Mentor, Dr Richard Voysey, who also works in the practice as a General Practitioner one day per week (Monday). He will be looking for patient volunteers who would be happy to participate in a consultation with a small group of students overseen by him. If this would be of interest to you then please let our reception team know.
5th Year Medical Students
The practice works in partnership with Aberdeen University to provide 7 week training blocks for fifth year medical students. During this time they experience a wide overview of working in a general practice setting. With consent, they see patients in an extended consultation slot and are then joined by their GP mentor to allow review of their decision-making.
FY2 (Foundation Year 2) Doctors
The practice is a training practice and participates in the Foundation Year 2 (FY2) training scheme. This involves working with fully qualified doctors who have spent a year working in a hospital environment. They spend 4 months in general practice as part of their continuing development.
You may be asked for your permission for your consultation to be video-taped as part of their training and final exam. We would hope that you would be able to cooperate with them but if you do not wish to be video-taped your request will be respected and it will not change your treatment in any way.
Doctors Carruthers, Beaumont & Buchan are responsible for their training and supervision.
GP Retainers
The practice has also been approved by NHS Education for Scotland to participate in their Retainer Scheme. This involves providing mentorship support to a fully qualified General Practitioner who cannot commit to full-time employment, to enable them to maintain and develop their skills in general practice, until their circumstances allow them to take up a full-time post.
Training of Advanced Nurse Practitioners is also undertaken within the practice.
Consultations with these trainees may take longer as they require supervision and we take the opportunity to educate them in the process. We are grateful for your assistance in providing future clinicians with a supportive learning environment.
GP Speciality Trainees
We normally have one or two GP Speciality Trainees attached to the practice. GP training takes a junior doctor 4 years to complete and for 18 months of this time they are attached to GP practices as a GP Speciality Trainee (the remaining 30 months are in hospital posts).
Our GP Speciality Trainees are usually with us for periods of 6 months or a year at a time. During this period they see patients and do home visits exactly the same as all the other doctors but they have some special time set aside for tutorials and teaching. On occasion they may video consultations for teaching purposes but we would always ask your permission before doing this. We would hope that you would be able to cooperate with them but if you do not wish to be video-taped your request will be respected and it will not change your treatment in any way.